Woman empowerment

Today in our country Women have came forward breaking all the handcuffs of traditional barriers and have risen to the top positions and contributed in every field whether it is of science,culture,art forms and even in the Armed forces but still there are some professions where working of women is considered awkward by the orthodox mass like as driver in Public transport,Autorickshaw and in courier delivery etc etc.Well the situation is gradually improving as some startups are pitched recently which have idea of giving more and more exposure to women and with the aim to break all taboos present in the system and bring women to mainstream so that their mental strength which is far greater than men's can be taken to use.We too have to spread awareness and consciousness among the people especially of lower and middle class sections giving them the examples of girls who were given opportunities and they capitalised on it and now are not dependent on anyone and are standing on their own feet.We too have to strive to create an environment where a woman can work independently in workplace and is not subjected to even a minimum of minimum harassment neither mentally nor physically.This can be achieved by creation of stricter laws regarding it and ensuring that these laws are enforced accordingly,but above all change in mentality of the people and more specifically the younger generation is the only solution by which this dream of perfect Equality can be achieved in our country which is known for its respect toward the women since ages and considering her as goddess.


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