The Fading "Substantial Gap"

The Fading "Substantial Gap"

the title is in context to the gap that exist between the BJP and the muslim community mainly arosed due to hindutva only policy of the BJP which naturally asked for the resentment of the minority but with the time and more widened vision of BJP embracing the reforms in the basic ideology of hindutva and aiming at sabka saath and sabka vikas has now started to gain faith and support apart from majority too.With a stand on triple talaq and muslim religious reforms,no doubt BJP has got support from muslims sections  especially women because the win in muslim dominated constitiencies can not be justified by any other fact in UP elections which has been  famous for its communal politics since the time of independence and where Muslims and Dalits have been seen as nothing but vote banks.Modi to whom this great mandate is dedicated by BJP must take a lesson from this elections and from here on should leave the communal politics and punish those who in the name of hindutva and nationalism take laws in their hands as well as those who give statements which widen this communal gap and is dangerous for communal harmony in the nation and should try to promote the environment in India where all the people from J and K to Kanyakumari should be tied by the identity of an Indian and this bond should be further tightened by its diverse nature of all communities through which every person can take good lessons and teachings from other person regardless of barriers if  religions,communities,caste and creed.


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