Today we live in a country where an opposition party is characterized by its criticization of every government policy and where a few delicate words from a leader of an opposition party in favour of any government policy whether it is good or bad is considered by presstitutes as his inclination towards the party in power and from that point of time hoax reports claiming him to join that particular party in power soon will be common in media on a daily basis.We can take a recent example of demonetisation move of the government which like any other move had its pros and cons but here too opposition had little to do with the responsibilities which it beholds.Inspite of explaining orignal situation to the common man and helping people who stood in line for several hours they were just blindly criticizing the move and misdirecting the citizens , standed in queue just for show which in return increased the problems of normal honest individual.Here too reports of politicians issuing statements that refilling of ATMs was discriminated procedure and ATMs were not filled in areas comprising of higher population of minority,these type of statements aroused communal tensions and forced a common citizen to feel shame that even after 70 years of independence we are involved in this petty politics of caste and religions,wastage of money of tax payers was also involved when parliamentary hours were wasted in shouting which would have been ideally used for discussing the loopholes of this move and their solutions.Government too mishandled the whole situation and was unable to provide proper solutions which was indicated by their hundreds of changes in the rules and regulation,in fact they forced normal honest person to give a detailed account of his each and every penny earned by his hard work while the heavy tax offenders and big names were freely allowed to roam.A responsible opposition would have reported the shortcomings of this move and would also have praised it for his daring move ignoring any vote bank politics but a lover of democracy and federalism felt disappointed w.This should be taken as a concern by opposition party which are entitled to act as alternate form of government giving its views and solution on any problem and giving up the politics of caste,religion and vote banks because now a days time has changed and people are becoming more and more aware of rational facts and all these type of activities will only weaken the backbone of the country and will force people to lose interest in them noticing their lack of interest in taking the national stand and their unability to guide the youth in right direction. :)


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