

Reservation is the term which is most hated as well as most loved in the sections of the society.Reservation as the history books says was started for a time period of 10 years which was to reviewed every 10 years to uplift certain sections of the society which was considered lower by the orthodox and uneducated people of that time and who were refused to enjoy the basic human rights.The basic and the sole aim of reservation was to remove the gap between the sections of humans which had been developed over a long peroid of time.This like any other move wanted considerations and reconsiderations but it was not even fairly debated in parliament thanks to dalit politics which prevails in India which sees Dalits as their vote banks.The turning point in reservation came with the 'Mandal Commison' reports which increased the reservation in higher education institutes up to nearly 50 percent which actually got widespread angry reactions from general cast students who were not so financially stabled,they thought that they were being cheated and their basic rights were infringed.Till that day it has been matter of constant hot debates and several hot arguments with for and against opinions has been put upon.Basic desire of students is to remove caste based reservation and initiate reservation based on family income,but the students are seeing only the one side of the coin they don't give a shit about the fact that with this new system more frauds will start to rise,we Indians basically know the level of corruption prevailing in the ground level ,people will come out with fake income certificates,big buisnessmen will show their income much much below the standard  and will take the advantage of reservation and we know the strength of our enforcement agencies in grass root level that we will even not be able to catch hold of half of these cheaters while the present system require a person to nearly show his last 50 years of history for verification of his caste which is more transparent procedure than the above.One more argument is given that this system of discrimination has been abandoned from the society and now this can't be used as a basic standard for reservation but this actually is a myth,to be honest it stills actually prevails in villages and even in small towns and it can be seen from numerous harassment cases in "harijan thaanas" so with the present system we can actually cover larger portion of people who are in need of this and yes like a rational minded young individual I too want certain change in reservation policy like in a family of more than 1 child only one of those should be allowed to take reservation and that that too only at one point of time so that a family should be given time to uplift their stature a single time only and if they fail to do so they have to do a considerable amount of hard work and not enjoy the benifits of reservation and kicking someone to end the competition ,this is a single idea ,government should debate and invite these type of ideas so that we Indians while preserving equality within the nation  should cope up with the world's competion and are not left behind in any area.


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