
Showing posts from March, 2017

Woman empowerment

Today in our country Women have came forward breaking all the handcuffs of traditional barriers and have risen to the top positions and contributed in every field whether it is of science,culture,art forms and even in the Armed forces but still there are some professions where working of women is considered awkward by the orthodox mass like as driver in Public transport,Autorickshaw and in courier delivery etc etc.Well the situation is gradually improving as some startups are pitched recently which have idea of giving more and more exposure to women and with the aim to break all taboos present in the system and bring women to mainstream so that their mental strength which is far greater than men's can be taken to use.We too have to spread awareness and consciousness among the people especially of lower and middle class sections giving them the examples of girls who were given opportunities and they capitalised on it and now are not dependent on anyone and are standing on their own

Kejriwal: An epitome of lost hopes

Well the title is self explanatory,Mr Kejriwal who rised to the throne of Chief Minister in 2013 and in an overnight became an International celebrity ,thanks to Indian Media and the youth who with their utmost potential came forward with the hope to bring about a change in Indian Politics and removing the "laal batti" culture has now became an unavoidable part of the typical 'The great Indian Political Theatre' .With daily allegations on every next person and his inability to fully prove it  and  utter non sense talk about every government policies with the aim of misleading Voters to establish himself as the main rival of Government of India and more specifically Mr. Narendra Modi is now gaining an Image of Demagogue and utterly pessimistic politician.Whether It is the   Demonetization policy,Jan Dhan yojna or matter of surgical strike or the recent EVM matter,he constantly questions the authencity and character of every person treating himself as the most honest p

The Fading "Substantial Gap"

The Fading "Substantial Gap" the title is in context to the gap that exist between the BJP and the muslim community mainly arosed due to hindutva only policy of the BJP which naturally asked for the resentment of the minority but with the time and more widened vision of BJP embracing the reforms in the basic ideology of hindutva and aiming at sabka saath and sabka vikas has now started to gain faith and support apart from majority too.With a stand on triple talaq and muslim religious reforms,no doubt BJP has got support from muslims sections  especially women because the win in muslim dominated constitiencies can not be justified by any other fact in UP elections which has been  famous for its communal politics since the time of independence and where Muslims and Dalits have been seen as nothing but vote banks.Modi to whom this great mandate is dedicated by BJP must take a lesson from this elections and from here on should leave the communal politics and punish those w


                             RESERVATION Reservation is the term which is most hated as well as most loved in the sections of the society.Reservation as the history books says was started for a time period of 10 years which was to reviewed every 10 years to uplift certain sections of the society which was considered lower by the orthodox and uneducated people of that time and who were refused to enjoy the basic human rights.The basic and the sole aim of reservation was to remove the gap between the sections of humans which had been developed over a long peroid of time.This like any other move wanted considerations and reconsiderations but it was not even fairly debated in parliament thanks to dalit politics which prevails in India which sees Dalits as their vote banks.The turning point in reservation came with the 'Mandal Commison' reports which increased the reservation in higher education institutes up to nearly 50 percent which actually got widespread angry reactions


LACK OF RESPONSIBLE OPPOSITION Today we live in a country where an opposition party is characterized by its criticization of every government policy and where a few delicate words from a leader of an opposition party in favour of any government policy whether it is good or bad is considered by presstitutes as his inclination towards the party in power and from that point of time hoax reports claiming him to join that particular party in power soon will be common in media on a daily basis.We can take a recent example of demonetisation move of the government which like any other move had its pros and cons but here too opposition had little to do with the responsibilities which it beholds.Inspite of explaining orignal situation to the common man and helping people who stood in line for several hours they were just blindly criticizing the move and misdirecting the citizens , standed in queue just for show which in return increased the problems of normal honest individual.Here too repor


BEING ANTINATIONAL IS NOW THE NEW FASHION TREND IN INDIA Today in India antinationals have suddenly grown up in number in the streets of famous government subsidized institues and so called the "Hubs" of democracy.The places which once were famous for giving the country the greatest of the great intellectuals are now gradually becoming the most hated places in the houses of the indians,these are the places where strength and nature of democracy is judged by shouting out antinational slogans in the name of human rights and where the normal tax paying citizen's patience is checked by using  "freedom of expression" beyond the limits.A large portion of students in these institutions have left no stone unturned to actually harass and disrespect the integrity and unity of  our nation which actually has now largest population of younger generations.Actually the main cause of these kind of sedative activities is introducing politics in higher educational institute

Road Safety

MY VIEWS ON ROAD SAFETY Road safety, as the name strikes our subconscious mind relates our imagination to ever increasing road accidents,hit and run cases,rash driving,injuries, drink and drive cases and to all the unfortunate circumstances involved in it which can lead the life of the family and of the victim towards the path of devastation.The main causes of these miserable events are lack of carefulness whether it is on road or off the road pertaining to helmets and other safety measures.Well sometimes they can be the victim of someone else carelessness too as in most of the drink and drive cases according to a recent report nearly 400 people die on a daily basis because of these road accidents .By this figure we are forced to bother about the enormous size this problem has taken so a urgent attention should be drawn toward this crucial problem and necessary steps involving awareness towards the road safety rules among minors and younger generation so they while having their e